Monday, July 23, 2012

Lindsay Lohan the Professional?

Lindsay Lohan the Professional? LiLo Given Rave Reviews From Director of New Flick!
It's been a long, LONG time since this happened: a positive story on Lindsay Lohan!

LiLo has finished shooting her Lifetime flick Liz and Dick and is now hard at work with a porn star for her next role. Not for a porno though. Her co-star James Deen is making his clothes-on debut in the upcoming movie The Canyons. And according to Daily Mail, both James and director Paul Schrader have had nothing but good things to say about Lindsay since they began shooting!
Lindsay Lohan and James Deen shooting 'The Canyons' in July 2012

Paul said Lindsay was only considered for the role after his first choice, model Monica Gambee, backed out at the prospect of working with a porn star. He was admittedly uneasy over hiring Lindsay given her current track record, so he told the actress she would only be considered if she "agreed to the micro-budget salary, did a screen test and completed Liz and Dick on schedule." After meeting those requirements, Lindsay apparently killed during the screen test! "Everything that has made her such an interesting screen presence came alive in that test," said Paul. "I decided to use her."

Meanwhile, co-star James has referred to Lindsay as "amazing" on his blog. The flick is apparently on the racier side because not only will Lindsay be going nude in it, she's also shooting simulated sex scenes with James! For James, who has appeared in over 4,000 X-rated films, it looks like this is as close to playing himself in a movie as he's ever going to get. Hey, we're just glad Lindsay seems to be getting her career slowly back on track!

What do you think of Lindsay's positive on-set reviews?
Photos courtesy of Fame Flynet and
source hollywire

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