Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gabriel Aubry Gets Restraing Order Against Halle Berry’s Fiance

In a bizarre twist of events, Gabriel has now obtained a restraining order against Halle's fiance, Oliver Martinez, who Gabriel says threatened to kill him and then smashed his face on the concrete floor. Read on for all the details.

Looks like Gabriel Aubry isn't the only one with anger management problems! According to a new report, Halle Berry's fiance Oliver Martinez instigated the brutal fight and told Gabriel to lie to the cops or he would kill him. TMZ has just obtained the graphic, bloody photos of Gabriel after the brawl, along with Gabriel's claim that it was Oliver, NOT him, who started the fight.

Gabriel & Olivier's Fight Started at Nahla's School Play

According to Gabriel's side of the story, the day before Thanksgiving, Gabriel took Nahla to her school play. Halle and Olivier showed up and Olivier walked up to Gabriel and whispered in his ear in French, "I wish I could beat the s**t out of you right now. You're lucky we're in a school right now. We're going to take Nahla right now and you're not going to follow us."

"We Need to Talk"

The next day, Gabriel says he took Nahla to Halle's at

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